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Lapua has been described as a growing city full of energy, quality services, versatile culture and pleasant surroundings. Lapua is also well known for its skiing resort Simpsiö. Lapua provides excellent opportunities for both sport and cultural interests, and number of different events are arranged in the city throughout the year. At the moment there are approximately 14 500 people living in our wonderful city.

You can find more info about Lapua from www.lapua.fiVisit Lapua and from Lapua brochure in English/German or in Finnish/Swedish Lapua matkailuesite

Kobrat Lapua was founded in 2000 when LaKoPo was renamed as Korikobrat. Between the years 2000–2003 Korikobrat played in the II-division of Finland. In the end of 2003 Korikobrat moved to I-divison. The team was lead to the second highest league of Finland by J-P Nieminen and Miikka Sopanen. Korikobrat played in the I-division for the next 9 years and out of those nine, the team was in the top five for six times. Between the years 2009–2012 Korikobrat was qualifying for the top league every year but wasn’t quite able to win the finals. In 2012 Finnish Basketball Association decided to move Korikobrat to the top league. The league was missing a team and Korikobrat had proven to be a top candidate for the open spot. During the first seven years the organization has improved its culture and operational environment towards being even more professional and continues to do so. Also name Korikobrat has been shortened and the official name is Kobrat now. At 2017 Kobrat reached the playoffs for first time and second time at 2020.

This season(2021-2022) Ville Turja continues as head coach. The team this year has already created a great working atmosphere and is ambitiously aiming for the playoff spot. You can find more info about the team by clicking “joukkue” on the front page or here.

This year Fanseat (abroad) offers a chance to watch all the games online using Keemotion technology. Games are also available domestic at Ruutu+

If you haven’t showed your support for the team by liking or following us in the social media, please do so!

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Seuraava kotiottelu

kobrat big  ktp small@2x

Ke 5.3. klo 18.30


Liput: 18€/15€/12€ 

Kaikki ottelut 


Korikobrat Lapua Lapuan kaupunki Lapualaanen lehti



AlaTalkkariAPowerparkLaurilaALapuaAAtriaBLatomakiBMeverBPOPLakeusmskHalpahalliDatabrosnammoietappiakkuAmikotapiolaVuorenmaa.pngSaarenpaameridalillevillaeepeelujataloAlueTaitoseduLjaspilapuan sanomatilkkaketjutvehkon oyLakAptMinimanikaptavantMallaskuuvvkuivauspaninirintajEscarmatKayttoautokv-vari-sisustuslouhintaliike ylimäki oyKlemettilalapuan-kankuritRMokkilapuahoviTopGreenetHelastLkuljetusKPLammiKRAUTAHyvaskasoilconkalustekkaukokiitoBarberMartelaAukiaLapua Floors- parketitpohjanrkLakeusportLapuanLeipaLOFKSuperPPHydNesmarPirttiPirjonPLiikuntatoimimajaniemiTaipalePaViVaaSimpsioseitJaskariPaukkuLapuanEnMakelaprintlinkRaMaNesteLapuaLappavesiJaaskelainenhinausUITTOFenniaepmKotiasunnotmanorRavaltsuRavikesprojokinenkuortanembkoskinenlsmrudusKonevuokrausTLuomaTukkutaloHerkkulhdeRuuhikoskieupartMakkonensipapolttovariJeppoBiogasTulisalotyllisTurunEinesjitavalueprimboTRVosatKauhavaKaukoLlannenSaloLakuMeltexfinnpartiapalkintokPolyplanWellbitPurkuexpsoramosrkopLakeudenAsbBowlingTSportiaEsterTopinAutoavaInvestrentaFennoLaihiantpsopmetalKipup1LAgenttiLevyvirtaSeamkHhiRobsuokkopasi ahola valokuvausKaaritaivutuskmvLVIasFinlamelliPumppumestaritPeltomarketerakellariMHiomoMarianTAsfalttitaitoEPOPcleorAntinAutoylisahkokvaApteekkisundeeKestransfintectrutefysmehsataterasapesupedeluxhartmanViitamaaseututilitLaserSteelasilopcustomitNummijokiNeverasamunTkaunistoniemiinvestigojklogFitLapuaMarianneSipilaRevisolVireconferrainPKMyyntiKJHkokoksalicontriaprmviesatekCNCTeknUlaVaasaSPVainionpalucromKuntoKuortaneenKaivinLaatupaneeliYliKiikkafinnmetaconmatkapeuraTerveystaloQTeamAsfalttikallioAlmatilisaukkoAutoOpistoRintaJouppiFirixitetsvmetalAnnalaPLNesteKuortanealavuskeskustaksimoveteclogenttrafomicCarolinaweekendtaihoviBEGrouplyvillaxjouppilaLantAgro


Kobra-Basket ry
Alajoentie 5
62100 Lapua

Markku Turja
Puhelin +358 400 017 620



Aikuinen 15 €
Eläkeläinen 13 €
Opiskelija 10 €
Alle 7-v 0 €

Henkilökohtainen kausikortti
Aikuiset 190 €
Eläkeläiset 170 €
Opiskelijat 120 €
Paikkakausikortti 240 €

Yksityisille 345 €
Yrityksille 495 €


Lapuan Urheilutalo
Urheilukatu 6
62100 Lapua
Puh. (06) 4384 593

smartum seteli

Meillä käyvät maksuvälineenä
Smartum -liikuntasetelit


Korikobrat Lapua ry                        
Jaakko Hietala                                 
Puhelin 050 313 3926

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